Wednesday, November 24, 2010
October Meeting
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Blue Ridge Forest Subdivision Meeting
For Trustees and Property Owners
September 7th, 2010 Minutes of Meeting
Property Owners In Attendance:
Laura Ottinger, Eddie Ottinger, Art Ross, Jim Reynolds, Edie Rider, Kevin Cosgrove, Mike Gummo, Andrea Payne, Gilbert Byers, Kelly Mays, Don Sexton, Linda Sexton, Charlie Tysver
Meeting held at 132 South Park Trail, 7pm home of Tony and Charlie Tysver
Meeting called to order by Art Ross and the reading of last minutes was waived
Financial Report:
Laura Ottinger was present at the meeting. She stated that the development had $1,960 still outstanding. Eight landowners were at least 2 yrs behind in payments. She has contacted all of the landowners who are in arrears, informed them in writing and verbally of their past due fees and where payments should be sent and has offered payment plan options.
It was requested in the meeting agenda to address when liens on properties should be placed on those who were behind on their assessment fees. A dead line was given for September 30th, 2010 and then Laura would start to place the liens on those who had outstanding assessment fees. Several property owners stated it was unfair to send out a vote to increase road fees when we had not attempted to collect the outstanding fees through legal action.
Road Conditions:
Kevin Lamb has resigned as a Trustee and his role as road foreman.
Kevin Cosgrove and Tony Tysver will try to fill in the crack on Mountain Lake Road, do minor grading on N. Park Trail and survey the ditch that attaches to the Roman’s property.
Kelly Mays stated that Joe had gotten a verbal estimate on ground up recycled payment at $10.50 per ton and that did not include delivery.
It was decided that assessment fees would be used on the roads for emergency situations only such as possible wash out in which rock would be purchased for that section of road only. The roads are in need of professional grading equipment which would require an application of crush and run to follow immediately after grading. The current $85 per year from property owners is not enough to cover this expense at this time.
Liability issues were discussed once again. As suggested by the lawyer we conferred with; we should place liability waiver signs at the entrance to the development and reduce our speed limit within the development. A draft of the signs was reviewed and it was voted on and agreed to purchase at the cost of approximately $170.00 to $200.00: one large liability disclaimer sign, three – 15 MPH signs and one swim at your own risk sign for down at the lake. All property owners should be aware that they and their homeowners insurance are responsible for all of their invited guests which includes guest who choose to use the lake and our roads.
Neighbor Hood Watch:
Linda Sexton volunteered to call property owners and gather information for the watch contact sheet, ask if they wish to participate in patrols or if they wish for the watch to keep an eye on their property and notify them of any unusual activity.
Property owners in attendance discussed trespassing and theft as an issue in the development. Several property owners have reported items stolen such as gas from vehicles, a generator, building supplies, and home invasions. These are serious concerns and we feel the neighborhood watch can help cut down on these occurrences. If you feel that you are in personal danger please call the police. The neighborhood watch is a communication tool that homeowners can use to see what type of criminal activity is going on in our development or report any criminal or suspicious activity to.
Kevin Cosgrove was asked to invite Deputy Gowen back to our next meeting to answer additional questions regarding the role of the police in the neighborhood watch.
A lake clean up will be scheduled in November after the leaves have dropped to cut back all the growth.
The next meeting will be held on October 5th, 2010 hosted by Kevin and Barbara Cosgrove at 136 Timberwood Rd at 7pm.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Minutes from July 6, 2010
Blue Ridge Forest Subdivision Meeting
For Trustees and Property Owners
July 6, 2010 Minutes of Meeting
Property Owners in Attendance:
Kevin Cosgrove, Barbara Cosgrove, Ron Dick, Janet Dick, Michael Gummo, Andrea Payne, Jim Reynolds, Gary Williams, Edie Rider, Dave Rider, Art Ross, Norma Ross, Don Sexton, Linda Sexton, Charlene Tysver, Linda Martin, John McLaughlin, Marg McLaughlin
Meeting Held at 136 Timberwood Road, 7pm Home of Kevin & Barbara Cosgrove
Meeting called to order by Art Ross and June 1st, 2010 minutes were reviewed.
Financial Report :
Laura Ottinger was not present but sent a report stating $1,912 had been collected from overdue assessment fees, $3,915 were still outstanding and $418.85 was donated by the Blue Ridge Beautification Committee. The trustees wanted the next meeting to address when liens should be placed on the properties with outstanding assessment fees and that this should be done before we pursue the request for increasing the fees.
Road Conditions:
Kevin Lamb was not present to discuss the agenda issues of:
1) Status of drainage problem on Mountain Lake Trail
2) Status of ditch repair on big hill (Roman’s land)
3) Forestry Service Presentation with Eric Smith
These items will be readdressed at the next meeting. We did briefly discuss grading the roads and wanting to get an estimate for that prior to putting additional gravel down. Money being the biggest concern.
Status if Information Packages: (Jim and Charlie)
We wanted to get the information on the Neighborhood Watch Program so that it could be included in the package and we wanted all notifications or liens in place prior to sending out the packages that would include a request to increase assessment fees with payment options. Our anticipated date to send out the packages would be around October.
Status of Community Liability Signs (Charlie)
Charlie will go to various sign companies to get pricing and wording options and report back at the next meeting.
Neighborhood Watch Presentation:
Present by Deputy Gowen, pamphlets were given out, and a contact sheet was placed out for contact information. The community was given 3 signs. Kevin Cosgrove stated he would put the signs up, Jim Reynolds purchased the 4X4 posts, and Tony Tysver supplied the manual labor to put the post in the ground. Everyone was in agreement that this was a good idea and wanted the program in place.
New Business:
1) Thank you’s were given out to Kevin Cosgrove for cutting Bill and Joan’s grass in the front of their yard, Don Sexton was thanked for cutting the grass at the front of the development, and Brandon Wright was given thanks for keeping the grass cut around the lake. Every little bit helps and the community is a better place because of you efforts.
2) Laura Ottinger wants to place a payment box up at the front of the development for an added convenience to the property owners. The box will have a lock and only checks should be placed in the box. No Cash Allowed!
3)Blog – new section for use of residents – if anyone wants to put something on the blog (like an item to sell) contact Jim Reynolds and he will add it.
There will be no meeting for the month of August. The next Trustees meeting will be the 1st Tuesday in September. Location to be announced.
Monday, July 5, 2010
06-01-2010 Minutes of the Meeting
Property Owners in Attendance: Gilbert Byers, Kevin Cosgrove, Janet Dick, Ron Dick, Jonathan Gilbert, Justin Hayman, Dan Hayman, Kevin Lamb, Yvonne Lamb, Joan McConnell, John McLajughlin, Marjorie McLaughlin, Laura Ottinger, James Reynolds, Edie Rider, Dave Rider, Art Ross, Norma Ross, Cliff Salvia, Donna Salvia, Charlie Tysver, Gary Williams.
The meeting was held at the home of James Reynolds and Gary Williams, 197 N. Park Trail and was opened by Art Ross who first introduced our guest speaker, Mr. Mark James, Central Virginia Regional Director who addressed our concerns about the Monroe Post Office edict to move all mailboxes to the front of the subdivision or no longer having the mail delivered to our homes. Mr. James stated that the letter had been rescinded and mail would continue to be delivered to our individual mail boxes as always. He was very specific in stating that once mail service had begun it was extremely rare that the service would ever be stopped for any reason. He had personally driven the roads in the subdivision and saw no reason for any delivery problem. He requested that we continue to make efforts to maintain the roads in a passable manner. There was some discussion on the possibility of setting up temporary snow boxes to be used when weather dictates. He introduced Mr. Ralph Seay the new Postmaster for the Monroe PO. Mr. Seed was formerly at the Scottsville PO. Mr. Seay has assured us that he will respond to any concerns that we have about our mail delivery. There are no plans to close the Monroe Office. It is however hoped that Saturday delivery will be eliminated. Several owners expresses their appreciation of our delivery person Dave. When asked, Mr. James adamantly reinforced the restrictions against using the mail boxes for anything other than US Mail. We can send a letter to the Post Office recognizing his efforts and hopefully he will be rewarded. James Reynolds has agreed to be the point of contact between the Post Office and residents of the subdivision.
Minutes from the April 27th and April 29th 2010 meetings were distributed for review and accepted without modification.
Financial Report was given and there is a balance of $1820 in our account.
Minutes of all meetings will be recorded and at least 2 people will be asked to take written notes. The recordings and notes will be transcribed by Charlie Tysver. Art Ross will continue to maintain the minutes in the Historical Files for the Subdivision. Minutes will be posted on our blog by Jim Reynolds and he will email them to all property owners who have provided an email address. Minutes will also be mailed to any property owner who provides a stamped self-addressed envelope. Also, copies will be placed in the pickup box which has been located at the entrance to the subdivision attached to the community bulletin board. Finally, a few copies will be made available at subsequent meetings.
There will be a standing Trustee Meeting held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7PM. Property owners are always welcome to attend but participation in the business at the trustee meetings is limited to the Trustees only. All meetings, Trustee and/or Property Owners will be governed by a written agenda. Edie Rider will prepare the agenda based on requests received no later than one week prior to the meeting. A flyer will be posted on the community bulletin board notifying property owners of the time and place of meetings.
Road Condition Report given by Kevin Lamb: Tractor repair has been done. John McLaughlin has agreed to be the resident babysitter for any contractors that are working in the subdivision. Culvert Pipe across the road at the turn has been cleared and is now draining properly. Current road repairs are focused on the drainage on Mountain Lake Trail near the driveways of Jonathan Gilbert and Mike Gummo. Culvert pipe is going to be needed to properly repair the drainage. The cost is estimated at $160 for the pipe plus labor. A discussion was held on possibly getting the pipe as a non-profit group. Also suggested we look at the Habitat resale shop. A more indepth report will be given at the next meeting. Mr. James suggested that we contact the Boy Scouts for assistance as they are always looking for community projects. Possibly we can exchange fishing or camping opportunities for labor.
The information package that will be mailed out is about half finished.
Charlie Tysver has volunteered to research the community liability issue and once identified, Jonathan Gilbert has agreed to provide the signs needed. Signs will be posted at the entrance to the subdivision and at the lake.
There was a discussion concerning the fishing this year. 2010 Fishing permit tags were given out to property owners in attendance. 2 tags were given to each owner provided they were current in their assessment fees. These tags will be renewed each year. Thanks to Jim Reynolds for the work. All visitors will be restricted to catch and release of the fish. Residents have no restrictions. We have a turtle problem – appears they are eating the small fish and eggs. Cost of restocking would be restrictive.
The Yard sale was a success. Thanks to everyone who participated. A total of $652.65 was cleared.
There were no volunteers to coordinate Catch and Release Fishing Tournament, the Raffle,or the Wine and Dine night. These events will be put on hold pending someone stepping up to coordinate the events.
Holloween Haunted Forest/Hay Ride event will be coordinated by Charlie Tysver with help from Kevin and Yvonne Lamb.
Kevin Lamb agreed to contact the Forestry service to get a representative to attend an upcoming property owners meeting and give all residents the most current regulations regarding the use of and restrictions on the use of forest lands (ie fires, ATVs, access, hunting, etc)
Kevin Cosgrove gave a report on his meeting with the Neighborhood Watch officials and handed out the brochures. They are going to provide us with signs and other support. There was a great deal of interest from the property owners. Possibly we can get a $10-$20 from each property owner to support this program. Kevin will schedule the representative to come to our next open meeting for an indepth explanation.
Our next joint Trustee and Property Owners Meeting will be at 7PM on Tuesday July 6, 2010. Location to be determined.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
April 29, 2010 Emergency Trustee Meeting
Emergency Trustee Meeting
4/29/10 7PM
*Meeting was not posted on Community Notification Board due to the immediate action required
Trustees and Property Owners in attendance:
Edie Rider, Jim Reynolds, Yvonne Lamb, Kevin Lamb, Mike Gummo, Barbara Byers, Gilbert Byers, Kelly Mays, Art Ross, Ron Dick, Kevin Cosgrove, Charlie Tysver
Meeting called by Jim Reynolds and Edie Rider due to Post Office Letter and the need to have better organization of Trustees
Meeting was held at 7pm at the Tysver’s home, 132 South Park Trail
Concerns over specifically the written communication of the minutes
A sign in Sheet will be at all meetings
Art Ross will be responsible for maintaining a permanent record of the correspondence for the development to include, but not limited to letters, minutes, bids, etc.
Edie Rider has agreed to provide a recorder for all meetings. Other trustees, no less than 2, will also be asked to take written notes. All notes and recorded notes will need to be turned into the recording secretary for the writing of the official minutes no later than 1 week following a meeting.
Edie Rider has agreed to be the trustee coordinator
prepare agenda for meetings
Keep track of which trustee is responsible for certain project
All trustees and property owners should contact her to have an item added to the agenda no later than 1 week prior to the next meeting.
Charlie Tysver has agreed to be the recording secretary (write the minutes and they should be completed prior to the next meeting)
The Trustee’s meetings will be held the 1st Tuesday of the Month
Laura Ottinger (treasurer) will provide an updated financial report for each meeting
How do we get the minutes to property owners?
Property Owners can pick one up at the next Property Owners Meeting
A box will be placed at the front of the gate with copies
(Charlie will call to inquire on the price of a realty box)
Homeowners can send a self addressed envelope and we will mail them a copy
Minutes will be posted on the BLOG
Kevin Lamb suggested we put some crush and run down over the balist since it was due to rain soon and would pack down better. It was voted on and approved especially since we were having issues with the post office to spend approximately $750.00 for 2 to 3 truck loads.
All in attendance voted and agreed to the for mentioned items.
Postal Service Issue
Jim Reynolds and Edie Rider had major issues after speaking with several other property owners and trustees regarding their personal inquiries with the contact names and numbers that were handed out on the 4/27/10 meeting. It was decided that we needed a chronological account of all the contacts so we could better defend our development. Jim Reynolds also stated he had been in touch with WSET 13 to inquire if the problems we were encountering with the post office were news worthy and they said it sounded very worthy and that they would bring it up at their 10am morning meeting and get back with us in the morning. Below is the Letter created specifically for the media, as it does not include all other items that were for mentioned at this meeting.
Emergency Trustees Meeting
Called 4/29/10 by Jim Reynolds (trustee) to be held at the Tysver’s home at 7pm due to the letter delivered by the Post Office on 4/27/10 and dated 4/26/10.
First of all we are not a homeowners association as the letter indicated, we are a private
Next: Ms Mays did not personally or by the direction of the Trustees request at any time to have the community’s mail boxes moved to the top of the road. Mr. & Ms. Mays are extremely upset (as are several other homeowners) that Ms. Becky Clay, Officer in Charge (of the station) printed out her name and address and then mailed it out to strangers. They have small children and this has scared them that a Government Agency feels they have the right to put them in this public situation without any regard to their safety or their explicit permission to publish this information. They are so upset they are considering legal action against the Post Office. And, we, the Trustees support their decisions as we feel no American rights to privacy should be violated in this manner. For the record, Ms. Mays was not voted in as a Trustee until April 11th, 2010. So, as Ms. Clay stated in the letter, Ms. Mays contacted her around March 1st, therefore she could not speak on the behalf of the community. She was just a property owner calling to make an inquiry and we feel she is a victim in this matter. We also stated to Ms. Clay that if we did intend to move the mailboxes, notification would be done so in writing.
Ms. Mays called to inquire about specifications regarding mailboxes and was told they (the Post Office) would need to get back in touch with her. To this date she has never received that return phone call. Instead we all received the letter delivered on 4/27/10. This was the night of the Property Owners Meeting. At this meeting the minutes and agenda had already been established, so we handed out to the property owners who were present the contact information for Ms. Becky Clay, the Officer in Charge (whom is either standing in for or has taken over the position of Mr. Mark Williamson – still not clear on that) and contact information for Ms. Vicky Young, Post Office Consumer Affairs. We asked the property owners to call the Post Office and inquire about the letter and let them know that this was NOT something any property owner requested…and this is what we’ve heard so far….
As the Property Owners and Trustees called to inquire, Ms Becky Clay was apparently rude to many property owner, she’s given conflicting answers to the same inquiries, she has not returned promised phone calls to several owners, she has stated to several property owners that there has not been ANY maintenance to our roads for over 2 years; which is untrue and our community has $18,172.44 of receipts since 2009 to prove otherwise. Several of the property owners have left messages with both of these ladies to have Mr. Mark James, Central Virginia Regional Director (located in West Virginia) to call us since they are not authorized to give out his direct number. A face to face meeting with Mr. Mark James has also been requested. To date and to the best of our knowledge he has not returned any calls to anyone. Ms. Becky Clay has told several property owners that after "she" told Mr. James of the conditions of our roads, it was Mr. James who told her to end service. When hearing her explanation of what she told Mr. James, she stated that our roads were not passable (not true), she stated it’s a one lane road (not true), she stated that our roads cause to much wear and tear on their vehicles (even though we have seen their drivers flying down our roads and feel any damage or wear and tear is due to the way they choose to drive on our roads and is therefore their fault). We feel that many roads in Amherst County, public or private, rate at the same condition as our roads, some are worse; therefore you cannot prove that the cause of wear and tear is due specifically to our roads. Plus the post office has been using 4-wheel and all wheel drive vehicles to deliver our mail back here for well over 20 years.
The Department of Disabled Americans has been contacted to inquire about the rights of our homeowners who may have a disability or whom have a medical condition such as breathing conditions or heart conditions (no handicap decal required). We are hearing that there is a medical hardship form that you can fill out and turn into the post office which would require the post office to hand deliver your mail to you. If the post office can’t drive on our roads and we have people who qualify for this medical hardship (which we feel at least 4 property owner in the back of the development would qualify for) then the Post Office would need to park at the front of the development and walk to the homeowners home to deliver their mail. This falls under the Disabilities Act and we strongly encourage any property owner who feels they may qualify for this hardship to do so as soon as possible as you may be required to provide some medical information.
Also, we have done "some" research and have only found one other letter so far from the Post Office regarding the conditions of our roads. All concerns about our roads were addressed and fixed…but the letter further states that the cost to the Post Office was an additional 2 hours per week to deliver back here. If money is an issue…then we would like the Post Office to do a cost comparison in regards to delivering the mail by vehicle verses walking to hardship properties and delivering to the front of the gate.
If the conditions of our roads are their reasoning to stop delivering the mail we would like further proof that our roads are worse than other private and public roads, such as the end of Ramsey Road.
Bottom Line we are calling everybody and anybody to try to figure out a way to stop this. We all feel "picked on" because they need to cut cost and we are easy targets because of our private roads.
With that in mind, the United States Post Office may view us the same way the County and State does…we don’t pay property taxes on the roads…so they don’t need to help us…they consider our roads to be an extension of our driveways and guess what….mailboxes may be legally required to be placed at the end of our driveway.
We hope this gives you some reassurance that we are doing everything we can think of to help us all. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact one of your trustees and they can either answer your questions or put you in touch with someone else.
Meeting April 11, 2010
Meeting for Trustee’s and
Property Owner
4/11/10 Minutes of the Meeting
Meeting held at Tony & Charlie Tysver’s home, located at 132 South Park Trail at 4:00 pm
Property Owners in attendance:
Barbara Byers, Kevin Cosgrove, Ron (trustee) and Janet Dick, Michael Gummo (trustee), Yvonne Lamb, Kelly Mays, John and Marjorie McLaughlin, Laura Ottinger, David and Edie Rider, Art Ross (trustee), Charlie Tysver, James Reynolds
Charlie Tysver called the meeting to order on Art Ross’ behalf as he was running late. Charlie introduced Jim Reynolds who proceeded with a power point presentation on the following Subjects:
What is a Trustee:
A trustee is a volunteer from your community, they are not compensated by pay or trade. They still have to pay their assessment (road) fees.
A member of a board, elected or appointed; responsible to direct funds and make policy of an institution.
Our Covenant states: Trustee’s shall elect from among homeowners, successors to any trustee who resigns, removes from the state, dies or declines to act, so that there shall be four (4) trustee’s, 2 each for sections 1 & 2 of the development. This means we can never have less than 4 trustees ever.
Additional trustee’s can be elected or appointed by the current board of trustees. Our trustee’s have done so in the past by adding a secretary trustee and a treasurer trustee back in1986
It has been largely assumed that the trustees are responsible for fixing the pot holes and to fix the roads. It needs to be understood that the trustee’s position is to make decisions and policies to better the development roads and common areas. Some of the trustees have volunteered to work on the roads in the past (and we appreciate that). However, we believe this has caused many homeowners to assume that physically fixing the roads is the sole responsibility of the trustees. Which is not true.
When a situation occurs regarding the roads, a meeting is called to find options. Based on availability of volunteers and equipment and time along with the appropriate funds we proceed with a plan. More often these days volunteers, equipment and funds have run significantly short, cause us to look to outside of the development for hired help.
When can we use a majority vote:
A majority vote by property owners is to be used for the sole purpose of increasing the assessment (road) fees and needs to be by signing, acknowledging and recording said vote.
Our Goal Regarding Communication: No one should be able to say I didn’t know!
We now have a variety of ways to have better communication between the property owners and your trustees.
Community Notification Board – located at the entrance to the development and will be the main source of communicating to the property owners who currently live in the development year round. Meeting notices, fundraising events, volunteer request, assessment (road) fee notification and upcoming events will be posted here.
Blog site: This will be an information site only. It will provide the some of the information contained on the community board along with history notes, pictures of the development and current projects being worked on. Volunteers will be acknowledged here as well. This will be a great tool for our out of town property owners, family and friends to use as well. (Thanks to Jim Reynolds for setting this up – it looks beautiful)
E-Mail: For those who have internet access, Jim Reynolds (our IT guy) has volunteered to review all e-mails and bring this information to your trustees. Feel free to send suggestions, concerns, safety issues and complaints, however remember to be civil in manner. All issues will be addressed.
Community Secretaries: These are a group of 9 Great volunteer property owners who have been assigned a group of about 4 local property owners to help inform you of "what’s going on". They are also helping with the recruitment of volunteers, donations, whatever the community might need to get a project completed.
Out of Town Property Owners: One of the trustees will communicate with you through regular mail or E-mail to inform you of upcoming meetings in which a majority vote is needed, meeting notes, and upcoming events in which you can help.
What Happened To Our Roads:
Trustees did what they were supposed to do!
Made the best decision based on funds that were available
1st estimates were in ’08 for around $13,000 to $24,000 based on materials and cost of gas heading for over $4 a gallon for gas and diesel.
Additional funds were needed to reach this goal, so they waited one more year for additional assessment fees to come in.
In 2009 the estimate amounts went over $22,000. Blue Ridge account had $11,000 to $14,000 for the project which included early payments and donations.
Trustees called a meeting in which a handful of property owners showed, decisions were made because they couldn’t wait any longer.
Communication broke down between the trustees, volunteers, and property owners
$11,000 was spent on hill #1 for culverts, ditch digging, and rock, "preparing" it for surface treatment when we did get the funds to proceed.
The 20 year storm hit us hard. Amherst County Schools were closed for 18 days. The roads in our development were impassable unless you had a big 4 wheel drive, trucks could not deliver gas or oil.
The community pulled together and VOLUNTEERS saved our roads. For less than $4,000 we cleared the roads of snow, put down multiple loads of ballast, dug out ditches and made the roads passable.
Still there is much to be done and we can do it cheaper if we pull our personal resources together and work together as a community with a common problem rather than out sourcing the work.
There have been a few reports of damage while driving over the large stone that was placed down. You must drive according to conditions, so please SLOW DOWN.
Volunteers, Fundraising and Road Work….OH MY!
Current Fundraising Project: Community Yard Sale will be held on May 15th at THE STORE in Madison Heights on Rt. 29 (it’s the A framed building next to Seminole Plaza)
Donations are now being accepted
Storage of the items will be at Laura and Eddie Ottinger’s Barn. Please call her for appropriate drop off times 922-7508 or call Charlie Tysver 922-7779 to arrange a pick up date. We will pick up outside of the development as well.
Pricing and Sorting of donations are scheduled for May 2nd and May 10th. Call Charlie Tysver 922-7779 if you can volunteer and we will try to work with your schedule.
Tables and Tents are needed – call Charlie Tysver 922-7779
Workers needed for the day of the sale: 8-2pm is what we are looking at
Baked Goods needed: Please avoid things that might melt – cookies, brownies, desert bars, pound cakes, breads, jams and jellies – Call Charlie 922-7779
Delivery of Items to sale location – trucks and trailers needed
Delivery of left over items to Good Will needed day of sale
Road Warriors Needed
Clean up crews will generally work on Sat. or Sun. This may include ditch digging with hand shovels, raking rock/dirt, tree cutting and removal, refreshments for the crew
We are planning a cleanup day some time after the yard sale….more to follow
Observation of hired contractors – must be able to stay with crews while they perform work on the roads
All property owner need to keep their culverts and ditches clean and free flowing – if you need assistance let us know
Who Knows Who – we are looking for great deals on items like culvert pipes, an uncle with a backhoe or grader or bobcat, rock dump truck, etc.
Anyone in the development can grab a shovel and rake and fill pot holes. However, any heavy equipment work needs to be approved by the trustees prior to work starting.
We are currently looking for bids on digging out the culvert pipe at the bottom of Circle Brook and Country Haven Rd. and replacing it with a larger one. Can include and strongly suggested to include time and equipment volunteered or the use of rented equipment and volunteered time. Please include a time line for completion.
The trustees will meet as needed to discuss current and future projects brought to them.
It has been suggested that more general meetings be held monthly so as to keep property owners abreast of all the happenings and needs of this great community.
Laura and Eddie Ottinger have graciously volunteered to host the next meeting.
Who wishes to host the next? (you do not need to be a trustee to host a meeting)
Suggestions and Discussions
The trustees need to hear about your thoughts on how to maintain and improve the Blue Ridge Subdivision
Remember that everything suggested is not possible with our limited funds
If and when you do have a problem and feel the need to call one of the trustees please do so, but being rude or ugly is not going to help get the issue resolved.
Trustees Meeting Following General Open Meeting
Art Ross Brought the Trustees meeting to order
Trustees present were Art Ross, Michael Gummo and Ron Dick
Trustees absent were Eddie Ottinger, Cliff Salvia and Gilbert Byers
Treasurers report was read and approved
Treasurer reported that we currently have $1,471.10 in our account. We also have approximately $3,915.00 in outstanding assessment fees. There was a short discussion on how these payments could be collected. It was brought to the members that assessment fees needed to be paid within 90 days of the 1st of January each year. The covenant says due on the 1st of January. The trustees agree to the 90 days to give us time to settle in after the December bills and county property taxes. There was a suggestion we consider payment plans to help with the fee payment. A message will be placed on the Community Notification Board at the front entrance regarding assessment (road) fees.
Old Business: None
New Business: as follows
The meeting next took up the question of adding trustees to become part of the Board of Trustees. After much discussion the following were nominated and approved or stayed in their current positions.
Laura Ottinger, treasurer
Janet Dick, secretary
Andrea Payne, secretary
Justin Hayman, secretary
Barbara Byers, secretary
Kelly Mays, trustee & secretary
Edie Rider, trustee
Linda Martin, secretary
Yvonne Lamb, trustee
Cliff Salvia, trustee (current)
Eddie Ottinger, trustee (current)
Ron Dick, trustee (current)
Mike Gummo, trustee (current)
Art Ross, trustee (current)
Gilbert Byers, trustee (current)
Charlene (Charlie) Tysver, trustee & secretary
Jim Reynolds, trustee & IT (web master)
Kevin Cosgrove, trustee
Kevin Lamb to be asked to be a trustee at next trustees meeting
We also talked about the use of ATV’s on our roads and were happy that there were less and the ones riding the roads were going slower and not doing donuts on our roads. It was suggested that we have a person from the Department of Forestry to come and talk with us at a meeting to let us know what the Forest rules/laws are on ATV’s and hunting as there is access to the Blue Ridge Forest from our lake and other properties.
"Visitors to the Development" was the next topic. It was suggested that the trustees develop a business type card or card decal that is a pass from the owners for visitors to have while using the lake and picnic area. Barbara Byers send Jim a copy of an old PERMISSION TO FISH CARD. We will look at using this card at the next meeting.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday the 27th of April at Laura and Eddie Ottinger's home located at 182 North Park Trail.
April 27, 2010
For Trustee’s and Property Owners
4/27/10 Minutes of the Meeting
Property Owners in attendance:
Ron Dick (trustee), Janet Dick, Don Sexton, Linda Sexton, Mike Gummo (trustee), John McLaughlin, Tammy Thompson, Art Ross (trustee), Kevin Cosgrove (trustee), Kevin Lamb (trustee), Yvonne Lamb (trustee), Laura Ottinger (trustee), Cliff Salvia (trustee), Donna Salvia, Jim Reynolds (trustee), Edie Rider (trustee), Dave Rider, Joan McConnell, Charlie Tysver (trustee) and Linda Martin
The minutes from the 4/11/10 Property owners and Trustee meeting were handed out to all in attendance, along with a contact sheet for the Post Office. Art Ross called the meeting to order.
Annual Assessment Fees were discussed and Laura Ottinger, Our treasurer, informed us that there was $1471.10 in the Blue Ridge Forest Developments Account and that there was approximately $3,915.00 in overdue assessment fees.
Along with the decision to give homeowners 90 additional days from the 1st of January to pay their assessment fees as agreed upon on 4/11/10. It was also voted on and approved to charge a $25 late fee after said 90 day grace period had expired. This will be in applied and in effect for the 2011 assessment fees.
It was also voted on and approved to provide a payment plan option for property owners. It will be the responsibility of the property owner to contact the treasurer, Laura Ottinger (922-7508) personally and work out a payment plan and an agreement will need to be signed. This will only be in effect for the remainder of 2010 and 2011. After which the trustee’s will review the payment plan opportunity to see if this is a cost effective measure that will benefit the individual property owner and the development as a whole. If you sell your home and still have outstanding assessment fees due and are on a payment plan you will still be responsible for the remainder of the outstanding amount.
The minutes from 4/11/10 were then reviewed aloud.
Jim Reynolds and Charlie Tysver discussed an information package they were developing to be sent out to both current property owners and any new property owners that would include a copy of the covenant, a brief history of the development, what are the current assessment due dates and late fees, posted speed limits, links to hunting and fishing laws, a list of current trustee’s with contact information and current assigned responsibilities, Points of interest in Amherst County, a map of our development, a list of useful contacts such as Amherst County Sheriff’s Office, Animal Control, Local School Information. Keep in mind this is not a requirement of the trustees to provide this information; it is an attempt to better communicate with the property owners. This information would also be placed on our BLOG.
Charlie Tysver brought up the issue of community liability regarding the roads and lakes. It was suggested that this be researched more and a notice be published and a copy sent to each property owner disclosing our findings. At a minimum, a sign should be placed at our front entrance, back entrance and lake area stating to all visitors if by invitation or not, that by entering you do so at your own risk releasing all owners from liability. An Individual property owner’s home insurance should cover their personal visitors…property owners were recommended to check with their homeowners insurance regarding the lake as there may be an additional cost associated with the use of the lake. Make sure you are covered properly.
John McLaughlin wanted to make a statement in which, he wanted to thank all the volunteers that have helped to improve the development. He also suggested that we have one person in charge of the road projects in the role of supervisor. Kevin Lamb was asked if he would serve in this capacity and he agreed. All trustees in attendance voted and agreed. Kevin Lamb will be the current road supervisor.
It was stated by Kevin Lamb that the tractor loaned to the development by Dave Rider had been damaged while being used to repair our roads and the repairs needed to be made before we could resume using it. Kevin Lamb is getting estimates for the repairs to submit to the trustees for payment. Everyone at the meeting agreed that this was right thing to do, since this is not the property of the development.
Next topic was the community yard sale. It will be located at THE STORE on Rt. 29 next to the Seminole Plaza in Madison Heights (the old hardware store – A-frame) on May 15th. Property owners were asked to donate items. All proceeds would benefit the improvement of our roads.
Laura & Eddie Ottinger are letting us store the items in their barn. Kevin Lamb, David Rider, and Mr. & Mrs. Byers have offered to help take the items up to the store the day of the sale. Baked good items are requested, volunteers for the day of the sale are needed. Anyone who can help was asked to call Charlie Tysver 922-7779. We need all the help we can get to make this a successful event.
When reviewing the current Yard Sale fundraising project it was asked for any additional ideas. Tammy Thompson suggested a catch, measure, weigh and release fishing tournament with an entry fee/liability waiver format and a trophy presented to the winner. Linda Martin suggested a raffle of some sort…possibly having someone donate a rifle, 4-wheeler attachment or a quilt then selling tickets. A wine and dine night hosted by a property owner was suggested by Mike Gummo. Also, a Halloween Haunted Forest/Hay ride with a ticket purchase/liability waiver format. All great suggestions and we will look into these suggestions with regard to liability issues first and foremost.
Next there was a long discussion on "meetings being held without the property owners being present". This has happened many times in the past when just the trustees met to discuss how to fix problems or what should be discussed at the next owners meeting. As stated in the 4/11/10 minutes. There is now a Community Notification Board at the front of the development. All Property Owners meetings will be posted on the board and all Trustee meetings will be posted on the board from now on, with the exception of emergency situations. There will be more of both types of meetings as we feel once a year is not enough to get everything done. Any property owner can attend any Trustee meetings….however keep in mind the trustee meetings are WORKING meetings, not an open meeting. We are working on the new issues brought up by property owners at the previous PROPERTY OWNERS meeting, while still trying to resolve any old issues. We have to decide who is going to tackle what problems, who will research this issue, who can take off from work to meet with this person, etc.; once we gather information….we may have another meeting to talk about what individual trustees have found out. Researching facts, prices, finding proper contacts, coordination of volunteers all takes time and lots of it. This is why we feel it was too much work for 4 trustees and why you now have 14 trustees. Communication has been a BIG problem in the past. This is why we now have the Communication Board, the Blog site, the e-mail. It may not be the perfect system, but it’s better than what we use to have. Of course if you do attend a trustee’s meeting, please remember that we need to deal with whatever issues are on the table first. If you have something you want to share, we would love to hear what you have to say. We just kindly ask that you wait until the meeting is over. Please remember that your trustees are first and foremost property owners just like you, we have full time jobs and families with very busy lives. The trustees cannot possibly contact everyone individually and keep them up to date on every little aspect. When we get answers, we will have a Property Owners Meeting and let you know what we’ve found out. We would love to rid this development of the title of trustees, but our covenant requires that title. We would rather be seen as active participating property owners, who want the same things as you do. We want the roads fixed and we want to live in a safe community.
At this time the meeting went back to the Post Office. A letter was received today 4/27/10 (see attached letter) to all Blue Ridge Forest Postal Customers by Ms. Becky Clay, Officer in Charge (of the Monroe Station) informing us that service was to be cancelled and our mail boxes need to be moved to the front gate within 30 days. Jim Reynolds and Edie Rider unsuccessfully tried to contact the Post Master, Ms. Becky Clay, and Ms. Vicky Young with Post Office Consumer Affairs to try and resolve the misunderstood request prior to tonight’s meeting.
It was then suggested to all in attendance to try to call these people on their own and let them know it was not their wish to have the mailboxes moved as stated in the letter, nor was it authorized or requested by any authority by the development to have the mailboxes moved. It was also stated that the trustee’s would aggressively look further into the matter.
Jim Reynolds said he would call WSET 13 to see if this was news worthy.
Stickers for property owner vehicles and several prototypes of a visitor pass with a liability waivers were passed around. The hanging handicap mirror version seemed to be the favorite. There will be more on this at further meetings. These are being suggested for liability issues. More on this subject are to come at future meetings.
The next Property Owners Meeting was agreed to be held after the Yard Sale on June 1st, 2010 at 7pm. Location to be announced at a later time.
UPDATE: The meeting on June 1st, 2010 at 7:00 will be held at 197 North Park Trail. Mr. Mark James, United States Postal Service will be attending to meet Home Owners and answer questions in regards to the Postal problems we have been having.