Just Recieved the minutes for the July Meeting.
SO here they are :
Blue Ridge Forest Subdivision Meeting
For Trustees and Property Owners
July 6, 2010 Minutes of Meeting
Property Owners in Attendance:
Kevin Cosgrove, Barbara Cosgrove, Ron Dick, Janet Dick, Michael Gummo, Andrea Payne, Jim Reynolds, Gary Williams, Edie Rider, Dave Rider, Art Ross, Norma Ross, Don Sexton, Linda Sexton, Charlene Tysver, Linda Martin, John McLaughlin, Marg McLaughlin
Meeting Held at 136 Timberwood Road, 7pm Home of Kevin & Barbara Cosgrove
Meeting called to order by Art Ross and June 1st, 2010 minutes were reviewed.
Financial Report :
Laura Ottinger was not present but sent a report stating $1,912 had been collected from overdue assessment fees, $3,915 were still outstanding and $418.85 was donated by the Blue Ridge Beautification Committee. The trustees wanted the next meeting to address when liens should be placed on the properties with outstanding assessment fees and that this should be done before we pursue the request for increasing the fees.
Road Conditions:
Kevin Lamb was not present to discuss the agenda issues of:
1) Status of drainage problem on Mountain Lake Trail
2) Status of ditch repair on big hill (Roman’s land)
3) Forestry Service Presentation with Eric Smith
These items will be readdressed at the next meeting. We did briefly discuss grading the roads and wanting to get an estimate for that prior to putting additional gravel down. Money being the biggest concern.
Status if Information Packages: (Jim and Charlie)
We wanted to get the information on the Neighborhood Watch Program so that it could be included in the package and we wanted all notifications or liens in place prior to sending out the packages that would include a request to increase assessment fees with payment options. Our anticipated date to send out the packages would be around October.
Status of Community Liability Signs (Charlie)
Charlie will go to various sign companies to get pricing and wording options and report back at the next meeting.
Neighborhood Watch Presentation:
Present by Deputy Gowen, pamphlets were given out, and a contact sheet was placed out for contact information. The community was given 3 signs. Kevin Cosgrove stated he would put the signs up, Jim Reynolds purchased the 4X4 posts, and Tony Tysver supplied the manual labor to put the post in the ground. Everyone was in agreement that this was a good idea and wanted the program in place.
New Business:
1) Thank you’s were given out to Kevin Cosgrove for cutting Bill and Joan’s grass in the front of their yard, Don Sexton was thanked for cutting the grass at the front of the development, and Brandon Wright was given thanks for keeping the grass cut around the lake. Every little bit helps and the community is a better place because of you efforts.
2) Laura Ottinger wants to place a payment box up at the front of the development for an added convenience to the property owners. The box will have a lock and only checks should be placed in the box. No Cash Allowed!
3)Blog – new section for use of residents – if anyone wants to put something on the blog (like an item to sell) contact Jim Reynolds and he will add it.
There will be no meeting for the month of August. The next Trustees meeting will be the 1st Tuesday in September. Location to be announced.
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