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Thursday, May 6, 2010

April 27, 2010

Blue Ridge Forest Subdivision Meeting
For Trustee’s and Property Owners
4/27/10 Minutes of the Meeting
Property Owners in attendance:
Ron Dick (trustee), Janet Dick, Don Sexton, Linda Sexton, Mike Gummo (trustee), John McLaughlin, Tammy Thompson, Art Ross (trustee), Kevin Cosgrove (trustee), Kevin Lamb (trustee), Yvonne Lamb (trustee), Laura Ottinger (trustee), Cliff Salvia (trustee), Donna Salvia, Jim Reynolds (trustee), Edie Rider (trustee), Dave Rider, Joan McConnell, Charlie Tysver (trustee) and Linda Martin
The minutes from the 4/11/10 Property owners and Trustee meeting were handed out to all in attendance, along with a contact sheet for the Post Office. Art Ross called the meeting to order.
Annual Assessment Fees were discussed and Laura Ottinger, Our treasurer, informed us that there was $1471.10 in the Blue Ridge Forest Developments Account and that there was approximately $3,915.00 in overdue assessment fees.
Along with the decision to give homeowners 90 additional days from the 1st of January to pay their assessment fees as agreed upon on 4/11/10. It was also voted on and approved to charge a $25 late fee after said 90 day grace period had expired. This will be in applied and in effect for the 2011 assessment fees.
It was also voted on and approved to provide a payment plan option for property owners. It will be the responsibility of the property owner to contact the treasurer, Laura Ottinger (922-7508) personally and work out a payment plan and an agreement will need to be signed. This will only be in effect for the remainder of 2010 and 2011. After which the trustee’s will review the payment plan opportunity to see if this is a cost effective measure that will benefit the individual property owner and the development as a whole. If you sell your home and still have outstanding assessment fees due and are on a payment plan you will still be responsible for the remainder of the outstanding amount.
The minutes from 4/11/10 were then reviewed aloud.
Jim Reynolds and Charlie Tysver discussed an information package they were developing to be sent out to both current property owners and any new property owners that would include a copy of the covenant, a brief history of the development, what are the current assessment due dates and late fees, posted speed limits, links to hunting and fishing laws, a list of current trustee’s with contact information and current assigned responsibilities, Points of interest in Amherst County, a map of our development, a list of useful contacts such as Amherst County Sheriff’s Office, Animal Control, Local School Information. Keep in mind this is not a requirement of the trustees to provide this information; it is an attempt to better communicate with the property owners. This information would also be placed on our BLOG.
Charlie Tysver brought up the issue of community liability regarding the roads and lakes. It was suggested that this be researched more and a notice be published and a copy sent to each property owner disclosing our findings. At a minimum, a sign should be placed at our front entrance, back entrance and lake area stating to all visitors if by invitation or not, that by entering you do so at your own risk releasing all owners from liability. An Individual property owner’s home insurance should cover their personal visitors…property owners were recommended to check with their homeowners insurance regarding the lake as there may be an additional cost associated with the use of the lake. Make sure you are covered properly.
John McLaughlin wanted to make a statement in which, he wanted to thank all the volunteers that have helped to improve the development. He also suggested that we have one person in charge of the road projects in the role of supervisor. Kevin Lamb was asked if he would serve in this capacity and he agreed. All trustees in attendance voted and agreed. Kevin Lamb will be the current road supervisor.
It was stated by Kevin Lamb that the tractor loaned to the development by Dave Rider had been damaged while being used to repair our roads and the repairs needed to be made before we could resume using it. Kevin Lamb is getting estimates for the repairs to submit to the trustees for payment. Everyone at the meeting agreed that this was right thing to do, since this is not the property of the development.
Next topic was the community yard sale. It will be located at THE STORE on Rt. 29 next to the Seminole Plaza in Madison Heights (the old hardware store – A-frame) on May 15th. Property owners were asked to donate items. All proceeds would benefit the improvement of our roads.
Laura & Eddie Ottinger are letting us store the items in their barn. Kevin Lamb, David Rider, and Mr. & Mrs. Byers have offered to help take the items up to the store the day of the sale. Baked good items are requested, volunteers for the day of the sale are needed. Anyone who can help was asked to call Charlie Tysver 922-7779. We need all the help we can get to make this a successful event.
When reviewing the current Yard Sale fundraising project it was asked for any additional ideas. Tammy Thompson suggested a catch, measure, weigh and release fishing tournament with an entry fee/liability waiver format and a trophy presented to the winner. Linda Martin suggested a raffle of some sort…possibly having someone donate a rifle, 4-wheeler attachment or a quilt then selling tickets. A wine and dine night hosted by a property owner was suggested by Mike Gummo. Also, a Halloween Haunted Forest/Hay ride with a ticket purchase/liability waiver format. All great suggestions and we will look into these suggestions with regard to liability issues first and foremost.
Next there was a long discussion on "meetings being held without the property owners being present". This has happened many times in the past when just the trustees met to discuss how to fix problems or what should be discussed at the next owners meeting. As stated in the 4/11/10 minutes. There is now a Community Notification Board at the front of the development. All Property Owners meetings will be posted on the board and all Trustee meetings will be posted on the board from now on, with the exception of emergency situations. There will be more of both types of meetings as we feel once a year is not enough to get everything done. Any property owner can attend any Trustee meetings….however keep in mind the trustee meetings are WORKING meetings, not an open meeting. We are working on the new issues brought up by property owners at the previous PROPERTY OWNERS meeting, while still trying to resolve any old issues. We have to decide who is going to tackle what problems, who will research this issue, who can take off from work to meet with this person, etc.; once we gather information….we may have another meeting to talk about what individual trustees have found out. Researching facts, prices, finding proper contacts, coordination of volunteers all takes time and lots of it. This is why we feel it was too much work for 4 trustees and why you now have 14 trustees. Communication has been a BIG problem in the past. This is why we now have the Communication Board, the Blog site, the e-mail. It may not be the perfect system, but it’s better than what we use to have. Of course if you do attend a trustee’s meeting, please remember that we need to deal with whatever issues are on the table first. If you have something you want to share, we would love to hear what you have to say. We just kindly ask that you wait until the meeting is over. Please remember that your trustees are first and foremost property owners just like you, we have full time jobs and families with very busy lives. The trustees cannot possibly contact everyone individually and keep them up to date on every little aspect. When we get answers, we will have a Property Owners Meeting and let you know what we’ve found out. We would love to rid this development of the title of trustees, but our covenant requires that title. We would rather be seen as active participating property owners, who want the same things as you do. We want the roads fixed and we want to live in a safe community.
At this time the meeting went back to the Post Office. A letter was received today 4/27/10 (see attached letter) to all Blue Ridge Forest Postal Customers by Ms. Becky Clay, Officer in Charge (of the Monroe Station) informing us that service was to be cancelled and our mail boxes need to be moved to the front gate within 30 days. Jim Reynolds and Edie Rider unsuccessfully tried to contact the Post Master, Ms. Becky Clay, and Ms. Vicky Young with Post Office Consumer Affairs to try and resolve the misunderstood request prior to tonight’s meeting.
It was then suggested to all in attendance to try to call these people on their own and let them know it was not their wish to have the mailboxes moved as stated in the letter, nor was it authorized or requested by any authority by the development to have the mailboxes moved. It was also stated that the trustee’s would aggressively look further into the matter.
Jim Reynolds said he would call WSET 13 to see if this was news worthy.
Stickers for property owner vehicles and several prototypes of a visitor pass with a liability waivers were passed around. The hanging handicap mirror version seemed to be the favorite. There will be more on this at further meetings. These are being suggested for liability issues. More on this subject are to come at future meetings.
The next Property Owners Meeting was agreed to be held after the Yard Sale on June 1st, 2010 at 7pm. Location to be announced at a later time.
UPDATE: The meeting on June 1st, 2010 at 7:00 will be held at 197 North Park Trail. Mr. Mark James, United States Postal Service will be attending to meet Home Owners and answer questions in regards to the Postal problems we have been having.

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