06-01-2010 Minutes of the Meeting
Property Owners in Attendance: Gilbert Byers, Kevin Cosgrove, Janet Dick, Ron Dick, Jonathan Gilbert, Justin Hayman, Dan Hayman, Kevin Lamb, Yvonne Lamb, Joan McConnell, John McLajughlin, Marjorie McLaughlin, Laura Ottinger, James Reynolds, Edie Rider, Dave Rider, Art Ross, Norma Ross, Cliff Salvia, Donna Salvia, Charlie Tysver, Gary Williams.
The meeting was held at the home of James Reynolds and Gary Williams, 197 N. Park Trail and was opened by Art Ross who first introduced our guest speaker, Mr. Mark James, Central Virginia Regional Director who addressed our concerns about the Monroe Post Office edict to move all mailboxes to the front of the subdivision or no longer having the mail delivered to our homes. Mr. James stated that the letter had been rescinded and mail would continue to be delivered to our individual mail boxes as always. He was very specific in stating that once mail service had begun it was extremely rare that the service would ever be stopped for any reason. He had personally driven the roads in the subdivision and saw no reason for any delivery problem. He requested that we continue to make efforts to maintain the roads in a passable manner. There was some discussion on the possibility of setting up temporary snow boxes to be used when weather dictates. He introduced Mr. Ralph Seay the new Postmaster for the Monroe PO. Mr. Seed was formerly at the Scottsville PO. Mr. Seay has assured us that he will respond to any concerns that we have about our mail delivery. There are no plans to close the Monroe Office. It is however hoped that Saturday delivery will be eliminated. Several owners expresses their appreciation of our delivery person Dave. When asked, Mr. James adamantly reinforced the restrictions against using the mail boxes for anything other than US Mail. We can send a letter to the Post Office recognizing his efforts and hopefully he will be rewarded. James Reynolds has agreed to be the point of contact between the Post Office and residents of the subdivision.
Minutes from the April 27th and April 29th 2010 meetings were distributed for review and accepted without modification.
Financial Report was given and there is a balance of $1820 in our account.
Minutes of all meetings will be recorded and at least 2 people will be asked to take written notes. The recordings and notes will be transcribed by Charlie Tysver. Art Ross will continue to maintain the minutes in the Historical Files for the Subdivision. Minutes will be posted on our blog by Jim Reynolds and he will email them to all property owners who have provided an email address. Minutes will also be mailed to any property owner who provides a stamped self-addressed envelope. Also, copies will be placed in the pickup box which has been located at the entrance to the subdivision attached to the community bulletin board. Finally, a few copies will be made available at subsequent meetings.
There will be a standing Trustee Meeting held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7PM. Property owners are always welcome to attend but participation in the business at the trustee meetings is limited to the Trustees only. All meetings, Trustee and/or Property Owners will be governed by a written agenda. Edie Rider will prepare the agenda based on requests received no later than one week prior to the meeting. A flyer will be posted on the community bulletin board notifying property owners of the time and place of meetings.
Road Condition Report given by Kevin Lamb: Tractor repair has been done. John McLaughlin has agreed to be the resident babysitter for any contractors that are working in the subdivision. Culvert Pipe across the road at the turn has been cleared and is now draining properly. Current road repairs are focused on the drainage on Mountain Lake Trail near the driveways of Jonathan Gilbert and Mike Gummo. Culvert pipe is going to be needed to properly repair the drainage. The cost is estimated at $160 for the pipe plus labor. A discussion was held on possibly getting the pipe as a non-profit group. Also suggested we look at the Habitat resale shop. A more indepth report will be given at the next meeting. Mr. James suggested that we contact the Boy Scouts for assistance as they are always looking for community projects. Possibly we can exchange fishing or camping opportunities for labor.
The information package that will be mailed out is about half finished.
Charlie Tysver has volunteered to research the community liability issue and once identified, Jonathan Gilbert has agreed to provide the signs needed. Signs will be posted at the entrance to the subdivision and at the lake.
There was a discussion concerning the fishing this year. 2010 Fishing permit tags were given out to property owners in attendance. 2 tags were given to each owner provided they were current in their assessment fees. These tags will be renewed each year. Thanks to Jim Reynolds for the work. All visitors will be restricted to catch and release of the fish. Residents have no restrictions. We have a turtle problem – appears they are eating the small fish and eggs. Cost of restocking would be restrictive.
The Yard sale was a success. Thanks to everyone who participated. A total of $652.65 was cleared.
There were no volunteers to coordinate Catch and Release Fishing Tournament, the Raffle,or the Wine and Dine night. These events will be put on hold pending someone stepping up to coordinate the events.
Holloween Haunted Forest/Hay Ride event will be coordinated by Charlie Tysver with help from Kevin and Yvonne Lamb.
Kevin Lamb agreed to contact the Forestry service to get a representative to attend an upcoming property owners meeting and give all residents the most current regulations regarding the use of and restrictions on the use of forest lands (ie fires, ATVs, access, hunting, etc)
Kevin Cosgrove gave a report on his meeting with the Neighborhood Watch officials and handed out the brochures. They are going to provide us with signs and other support. There was a great deal of interest from the property owners. Possibly we can get a $10-$20 from each property owner to support this program. Kevin will schedule the representative to come to our next open meeting for an indepth explanation.
Our next joint Trustee and Property Owners Meeting will be at 7PM on Tuesday July 6, 2010. Location to be determined.
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