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Monday, March 28, 2011

meeting minutes

Blue Ridge Forest Subdivision
Trustee/Property Owners Meeting
Minutes From 3/8/11

In Attendance:  Laura Ottinger (treasurer), Ashley Ottinger, Michael & Diana Hughes, Dave Rider, Edie Rider (t), Mike Gummo (t), Andrea Payne, Linda Martin, Art Ross (t), Norma Ross, Jonathan Gilbert (t), Charlie Tysver (t)

Treasurers Report: 
Currently there is $2,287.04 with $3,175 in outstanding assessment fees due.
There are 3 property owners who are 2 or more years behind and legal actions will be taken to collect those debts.

It was requested by Laura Ottinger to allow Edie Rider to handle the court proceeding as she has held this position before and has the experience with the proceedings.  A letter from the trustee’s authorizing her to act on our behalf was requested.  This would also accommodate Laura Ottinger so she does not have to take time off from work for those proceedings.  All voted yes to the above.  A letter will be drafted and signed as soon as possible.

Road Business:
To date we have spent $1,219.44 on 1/4/11 and $1,267.77 for 3 loads of medium grade rock, 1 load of ballast and 1 load of crush-n-run.  All rock was placed on Circle Brook.  Mt. Pleasant Logging and Excavating was the rock delivery company and had the best price at the time rock was needed.

Mike Hughes will take some of the old rock and place around the corner of South Park before White Pine and at the end of the roads on White Pine, Timberwood and North Park Trail.  Art Ross will use his personal equipment to try and smooth the hill in front of Janet and Ron Dicks property.

It was stated that we still need to have the roads professionally graded, but with the current road assessment fees at only $85 per lot owner it was not affordable at this time.  The problem is that if the roads are graded, at least a layer of rock would need to be place down.  At $300 per truck load and over $100 per hour for grading we simply do not have the funds to do this.  Without raising the road fees to accommodate the expenses we will need to continue to maintain the roads on emergency basis until we can increase the assessment fees or save enough.

Neighborhood Watch

The new 15 mph speed limit signs were placed up and someone continues to remove them or vandalize them.  It was suggested that we send out a letter to all homeowners explaining that these signs are for the protection of all property owners against liability issues.  Laura and Charlie will meet to create a letter and send out with the overdue assessment letters.

There has also been an increase of theft, vandalism and destruction of private property in the community.  The sheriff’s office has recommended that all property owner report any instance to them and to avoid confrontations.  Also to continue to communicate any activity to your neighborhood watch members which are your trustees?

New Business:
Jonathan Gilbert was voted in as a trustee.
Community Fund Raising:  It was suggested we hold a gun raffle this year instead of the yard sale.  We would try to obtain other items to also raffle off.   Johanthan Gilbert and Mike Gummo to research further and update us at the next meeting.

Next Meeting will be Tuesday April 5th, 2011 at Laura and Eddie Ottinger’s home located at 182 North Park Trail at 7pm  

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