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Thursday, September 30, 2010




Blue Ridge Forest Subdivision Meeting

For Trustees and Property Owners

September 7th, 2010 Minutes of Meeting

Property Owners In Attendance:

Laura Ottinger, Eddie Ottinger, Art Ross, Jim Reynolds, Edie Rider, Kevin Cosgrove, Mike Gummo, Andrea Payne, Gilbert Byers, Kelly Mays, Don Sexton, Linda Sexton, Charlie Tysver

Meeting held at 132 South Park Trail, 7pm home of Tony and Charlie Tysver

Meeting called to order by Art Ross and the reading of last minutes was waived

Financial Report:

Laura Ottinger was present at the meeting. She stated that the development had $1,960 still outstanding. Eight landowners were at least 2 yrs behind in payments. She has contacted all of the landowners who are in arrears, informed them in writing and verbally of their past due fees and where payments should be sent and has offered payment plan options.

It was requested in the meeting agenda to address when liens on properties should be placed on those who were behind on their assessment fees. A dead line was given for September 30th, 2010 and then Laura would start to place the liens on those who had outstanding assessment fees. Several property owners stated it was unfair to send out a vote to increase road fees when we had not attempted to collect the outstanding fees through legal action.

Road Conditions:

Kevin Lamb has resigned as a Trustee and his role as road foreman.

Kevin Cosgrove and Tony Tysver will try to fill in the crack on Mountain Lake Road, do minor grading on N. Park Trail and survey the ditch that attaches to the Roman’s property.

Kelly Mays stated that Joe had gotten a verbal estimate on ground up recycled payment at $10.50 per ton and that did not include delivery.

It was decided that assessment fees would be used on the roads for emergency situations only such as possible wash out in which rock would be purchased for that section of road only. The roads are in need of professional grading equipment which would require an application of crush and run to follow immediately after grading. The current $85 per year from property owners is not enough to cover this expense at this time.

Liability issues were discussed once again. As suggested by the lawyer we conferred with; we should place liability waiver signs at the entrance to the development and reduce our speed limit within the development. A draft of the signs was reviewed and it was voted on and agreed to purchase at the cost of approximately $170.00 to $200.00: one large liability disclaimer sign, three – 15 MPH signs and one swim at your own risk sign for down at the lake. All property owners should be aware that they and their homeowners insurance are responsible for all of their invited guests which includes guest who choose to use the lake and our roads.

Neighbor Hood Watch:

Linda Sexton volunteered to call property owners and gather information for the watch contact sheet, ask if they wish to participate in patrols or if they wish for the watch to keep an eye on their property and notify them of any unusual activity.

Property owners in attendance discussed trespassing and theft as an issue in the development. Several property owners have reported items stolen such as gas from vehicles, a generator, building supplies, and home invasions. These are serious concerns and we feel the neighborhood watch can help cut down on these occurrences. If you feel that you are in personal danger please call the police. The neighborhood watch is a communication tool that homeowners can use to see what type of criminal activity is going on in our development or report any criminal or suspicious activity to.

Kevin Cosgrove was asked to invite Deputy Gowen back to our next meeting to answer additional questions regarding the role of the police in the neighborhood watch.

A lake clean up will be scheduled in November after the leaves have dropped to cut back all the growth.

The next meeting will be held on October 5th, 2010 hosted by Kevin and Barbara Cosgrove at 136 Timberwood Rd at 7pm.